Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Underground Hip Hop Alert: For Josh Jessmore of Enajyram the Grass Really is Greener on the Other Side

Sometimes a change in the air is just what the doc ordered. Bandmates Josh Jessmore (The Def One) & Wes Riggs (IQ) have been grinding it out here in New York State as members of Enajyram for years. The group originated in the early 2000s when the underground hip hop scene was exploding and found themselves influenced by the movements of labels such as Rhymesayers, Stones Throw and Quannum and have opened for other underground groups such as Sophistafunk, John Brown's Body, Subsoil and Badfish. After having weathered many transitions that might have brought bands of lesser mettle to a screeching halt, core members, Josh and Wes, are still standing. Even now with miles between them, approximately 1700 to be exact, the duo is continuing to collaborate and expand their fanbase.

The Def One found himself ready for greener pastures (pun intended) and decided to move operations to one of the greenest states in the West where Wake n Bake Wednesday has been given a whole new more relaxed vibe for the emcee. A beatmaker since the age of 14, Josh has transitioned himself into a proficient writer, rapper and producer. Currently he's embarked on a solo career and is working on his first solo project, The DEF-initive Mixtape Series. The first volume which was originally scheduled to drop in 2016 may be ready as soon as next month and features 9 tracks no collabs with beats from DJ Marsiv, Davobeats, and D-Stylez. A full album release is also in the works and will be announced later this year. Perhaps that fresh Colorado air and free-spirited atmosphere has done The Def One right. Not only has he been churning out new material, but he currently sits at number 2 on the Colorado Springs Reverbnation chart.

The Fool
Emcee IQ ain't too shabby his damn self with the solo career grind. He's made his first studio album, The Fool, available for free download on bandcamp and another album may be in the works. Maybe IQ will also choose to leave the more conservative Syracuse, NY area behind to immerse himself in the same artistically therapeutic indie music scene that has swallowed The Def One whole, chewed up and spit out with renewed vigor and vision. Only time will tell. One thing is for certain though, the lyrical gifts of Wes Riggs should not burn out on the brown CNY soil.

Dirty Hairy
With songs like maryjanE and their brand name alone, Enajyram obviously flies two tokes off the beaten bath and time has proven that diversity's got nothing on their franchise! In fact, like thier track One Trick Tony states, it can't touch them with a ten foot pole. Give your tastebuds a treat by following the links below to Enajyram's full discography on bandcamp and the Def One's new projects on SoundCloud. If you're feeling appreciative of thier grind and want to be the first to get the 411 on new projects and updates, give them a follow on their social media channels. While you're at it download Enajyrams last digital album Dirty Hairy. With an album cover like that you know this has to be nerdrap at its finest!

This Chill Ms is smitten and you'll find me where the very cool Enajyram wind blows. Oh and by the way happy Wake n Bake Wednesday!



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