Saturday, August 29, 2015

A Small Slice of American Pie: Trump Turns Election Year 2016 Into Aother 3-Ring Circus

Let's talk a little politics shall we? Pretty sure the rest of the world sits back and gets ready for a good laugh when the United States starts gearing up for a new election year and 2016 will be no exception with Trump leading the Republication Nomination Polls it's looking like once again the Republicans are going to be trying to grab the chief officer's seat with yet another candidacy built on hate and exclusion. First you had 2012 with Mitt Romney who insults one of our country's oldest allies while in their country, gets caught making disparaging remarks about the "kind of people" who will be voting for Obama and now there's Trump a man who can dress a  building in gold but can't put a decent weave on his head, I can't get behind that y'all let alone tolerate his all out annihilation on the character of Latinos it's looking like another three ring circus to me. Every clown deserves a good parody, Trump is no exception, It is my job to review and recommend videos after all so I have two that I recommend and trust me when I tell you Trump is providing unlimited parody fodder with this campaign so there are many more where they came from...

 In response to what has grown into an anti-Latino/Immigration based platform by Trump, the VL Action Network in conjunction with the comedy group Room 28 made a video called "I Won't Vote for Trump" The track features E-40 Elmo DeFalco rappin over Big Sean's IDFWU instrumentals.


For a Second parody check out the nightly show's Mark Yard, who shares why he thinks Trump might have the black vote all tied up... he alludes to Trump's Hip Hop Ways and claims he's like 90's Hip Hop all day long. The correlations? Trump loves gold, he rolls deep, has his own vodka and cologne, tons o baby mamas,court appearances, bankruptcies and beef...

In truth the man has more beef than Biggie, Tupac, 50 cent, Lil Kim and Remy Ma over the entirety of their careers combined. He's beefing with Senator Lindsey Graham,  Jorge Ramos, Oreo, El Chapo, Neil Young, (for as Mark states, jackin his beat no less), Rick Perry, Mac Miller & nearly every city in the United States and that's just the tip of the iceberg. In short the man is douchey. That's right I said douchey not Gucci... he is clearly the epitome of how having money does not mean having class or social intelligence. Chill Ms Jackson for President in 2020 y'all!!!

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